Monday, 12 January 2009

Premliminary film

Last week we had 2 hours to film. It was challenging at first as I had to put many lessons of learning and planning into practice. I found that filming each clip twice helped me improve the angles of the filming. Having alot of each clip also helped, because actors kept laughing and moving to fast to capture the action. After a while i started getting used to filming and not filming in order.
I have learned alot since the first filming. These are things such as not filming in order, filming each clip more then once and using match cuts. I think that the match cut was the most interesting because it really makes a scene look more realistic. It also can give a the audience a better view of the action. I have also found that you can't leave one person to do the filming as it doesn't always have the out come you want. The second time filming i found that i was getting more confident with the camera, and didn't panic when i got something wrong.
I do feel that we followed basic thriller film conventions to a certain extent. When i filmed sophies feet and she was walking slow i thought that it built tension and anticipation for the audience. This anticipation was satisfied when the audience saw the situation and that the out come could be dangerous. The camera work also built tension as we used close ups and medium shots to capture the action.
Our practice film represents women as powerful. Instead of the man being in the position of power we have a female gangster. It would have been better if she had a man tied up, showing that women can be in a position of power. One thing i need to remember is leaving 5 seconds before and after each clip to make space for editing. This was abit of a problem when it came to editing as sometimes we needed a clip to be slightly longer.

1 comment:

@ Candi Media said...

This was written by Daniella