Wednesday 21 January 2009

Making a pitch- futher planning

Today we continued discussing our thriller opening. Then we watched some openings that had been made by other students. Many of these were made interesting by the use of lighting, mise en scene and editing. This gave us more ideas and ways to make what we had better. We realised that our idea was simple and needed a twist in the plot to make it more interesting. We then came up with changing the story from being a stalker, to it being a secret investigator who looked like a stalker. As part of the opening involves filming in an underground station we need to get permission. This will not be possible to get by Monday so we are going to concentrate on filming the bits on the college site and near it. Our straight forward planning of one shot type needs to be edited so that we are using a range of shots in each scene. It’s important that we remember to film each scene at least twice to give room for editing later. Finally we presented the pitch to the class. This outlined the story, some of the shot types, and what affect we wanted to create. After this we want back to planning and should be ready to start on Monday.

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