Monday 19 January 2009

Group pitch

Today, we started the planning process for our thriller. After brainstorming, we were able to agree upon a solid story line, and sequence of events with which we will film. Next, we jotted everything out into a short list, and edited a few concepts that we felt needed altering. Once we were happy with the layout, we put it into the form of a storyboard; this really helped us see what would work, and what might be a bit out of place, after some small edits, everything seemed to look like it would run smooth. Next, we looked at each 'scene' in further detail (deciding on shot types/distances/whether conditions we would need etc.) And after agreeing on our decisions, added our choices to the storyboard.

To sum up, I would say we had an extremely productive planning session, we were able to use our time constructively, and make a solid plan for how we would later film our scenes, something I am confident will help us greatly in the weeks to come.

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