Monday 2 March 2009

Second day of filming

We started our filming for the opening, we decided to do the start of it which meant we had to film around angel and in the college. We tried to get a variation of shots so that it would look interesting in our final produce, we ended up filming 5 minutes of footage. This was good as we had a wide variety of shots which was easier when editing as we did all we could. It then got very cold and rainy so we decided to head back to the editing suit and start editing what we had filmed so far. I felt this was a good idea as it made the editing process easier as we could vary it between filming. What we had filmed was successful as we had many shots to use although some were a bit dodgy. At the end of the lesson we decided to plan what we were going to do in the next lesson, this was so we didn't fall behind schedule.

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