Sunday 15 March 2009


Our media product develops and challenges different forms and conventions of real media products. For example we used camera techniques to show me being followed by somebody in our media product, such as over the shoulder shots and a high angel, extreme long, establishing shot, which we used in the opening of our film to show somebody was watching me from a high angel. As this shot was an establishing shot, not only did it show i was being followed, but also established the mise en scene of our film, showing clearly the environment our film was set it, which was the streets of London, outside our college. Our audience are immediently aware that our film is set in London as in our establishing shot, you can see red London buses on the roads, and British road signs, as well as British gloomy, dull weather.

The majority of other real media products also use high angel, establishing shots to show the mise en scene of their film, for example in the film 'The Shining' there is various high angel, extreme long, establishing shots showing the snowy mountains and beautiful scenery of the mise en scene, the high angel shots in 'The Shining' are also used when the actors are running outside, making them appear to look more venerable and isolated, which was the same affect on the girl in our high angel, establishing shot. the reason why we wanted to make the girl in our thriller look venerable, isolated and alone is to give the impression that she was being followed by someone and was in a dangerous situation.

The media social groups our media product represents are specifically teenage girls, and young women, aged between 13-25. This is because the main character in our film is around this age and is a female in a very common situation that many females find them selves in, which is being followed by a male stranger. Our film also represents some males as being dangerous and perhaps untrustworthy. The social class our media product represents is standard working class, this was conveyed through the mise en scene, as the area the girl was filmed in was not a high class, posh area and the clothes she was wearing were normal clothes, whereas if she was wearing an expensive designer suit, high heels and sunglasses, and walking in the streets of central London our character would have represented the high class social group.

The kind of media institution who might distribute our media product would be a small independent UK film company or our film would be realised over the Internet. This is because the story line for our film is quite simple, and our setting is fairly dull and boring, whereas if our film had a more exiting, dramatic story-line and was set in an interesting place, it would be more likely for it to be distributed around the world and be a big Hollywood blockbuster.

The audience for our media product would be teenagers/young adults, this is because in our film the two main characters are young, so therefore our film is more likely to attract young people, although, our film is quite versatile and can be watched by anyone, as it is not specifically aimed at young people, and does not have any overpowering elements of the youth of today, for example our film does not contain any colloquial language, that some adults would not understand or be able to relate too. A typical person who would fit into our target audience would be..'Sarah, 18, at university, and loves going to the cinema'

I would attract/adress my audience by making sure i have plenty of advertisments around the UK. I would do this by advertising my film through billboards, trailers in the cinema, tv trailers, bus stops, internet campaignes etc. I would also assure there is atleast one famouse, well known, actor/actress starring in my film, to attract people to watch it and also so people can assume the film is going to be succsessful as they know the actor/actress in my film is succsesful.

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